воскресенье, 10 января 2010 г.

Joy is contagious

Sometimes people par their emotions and feelings with other on purpose and sometimes they simply infect other people with all those feelings they have the disaster it is when people infect others with their negative emotions, but it is great in case they share their positive emotions and feelings with other people. And joy is an extremely contagious emotion and it always infects people around those that are bright and joyful. Sometimes you are walking along the street all alone and you are sad and frustrated with all those thoughts you have. But, there is a person or the people that are bright and happy and they are laughing at something. You see those people ad you stare those because you wonder about what they are laughing at, though, no matter how long you are staring the you will barely realize the reason for that joy, though you are already infected with the joy of those people. You watching them and you are smiling now and with that smile some nice and bright feelings and emotions come to you. So, joy is contagious and I think it is great. Such “diseases” must be contagious.

Voices you haven’t heard for a long time

There are voices you haven’t heard for a long time and voices your really miss. There are people you miss and people you want to be together with but you can’t. There are always some reasons for you to be away from those people and there are reasons for you not to meet each other for a very long time. And it often happens that people even have no time to reach each other and ask each other about how they are doing and what is happening in their lives. There are a lot of things that prevent people do so, and there are a lot of things that recall those people in our minds. And we refuse the whole fuzz stuff at least for a minute and take our phones and dial those precious numbers and when you hear this voice you are missing so much you feel joy inside of you. And you gear the same joy in this voice. You are glad to hear each other because you really miss one another. Just a common phone call can bring joy for two people that miss each other and care about each other. It is the great and the bright joy to know that there is such a person somewhere in the world.

среда, 15 апреля 2009 г.

If today’s youth could smile a bit more freely

If today’s youth could smile a bit more freely, it would have all been worth it. But they can’t. So was it worth it? We continue to engage in wars that the public doesn’t understand, and then we move forward through the history lessons as though they don’t apply to us. We expect today’s youth to be happier than we ever were, and yet they aren’t. No war, no economic development plan, and certainly no increase in homeland security can make the youth of today smile more. They are scared and are being pushed into growing up way too fast. They now have to balance out their own needs and desires in a world that can barely support the long term dreams of their parents. Some of the youth of today see the military as their only way out, and nobody is really counting body bags. In today’s youth, there is a reflection of worry where the look of hope should be. Today’s youth already know the realities of their tomorrow and they know that tomorrow is going to be harder than ever. We haven’t given them a better shot at being happier or more prosperous, we have simply burdened them the expectation and forgot to give them the tools. The youth of today know that there is no fairy tail waiting for them, and after all the sweat and blood of their parents, they sure aren’t interested in letting anyone know just how scared they are to take it on.

понедельник, 2 марта 2009 г.

Animalistic Joy

I love to find myself in the midst of animalistic joy. It’s more than a mere windfall of good fortune, but it is truly a wide ranged intense joy that blows me away every time. Many people have admitted that they have actually never felt such intense joy that I almost feel like I should drag them into my life just to show them. But recently I realized where that animalistic joy actually comes from, and it isn’t something that can be merely created but experienced in earnest through gratitude. People who have near death experiences often experience animalistic joy for awhile because they are simply so grateful to still be alive.

When you realize just how fortunate your life is, how amazing it is to be alive and loved, and to be in whatever financial position you might be in you become overwhelmed with an inexplicable joy. After all, we know that even the worst of circumstances offer something to be grateful for. When we feel this type of gratitude it is nearly impossible not to be compounded by mind blowing joy. I have told people to take a walk and think of everything they have been grateful for, and without fail, these people have come back later to tell me of the animalistic joy they felt when they realized just how awesome their life was and how responsible they were for creating that life. That type of love and thanks is only bound to bring joy, and it can be done at the drop of a hat.